
At The Furry Family Veterinary Clinic, we have developed a close working relationship with several specialist surgeons who come to the clinic to operate.  When required, we utilise the expertise of these specialists to perform more complex surgical procedures that your pet may need.

One of the benefits of this collaborative effort is that you and your pet do not need to be referred to specialist facilities in order to obtain specialist surgery.  You continue to deal with staff and an environment that you and your pet are already familiar with.

Melbourne Animal Referral Services

Internal Medicine

As we have done for specialist surgery, The Furry Family Veterinary Clinic has also developed a close working relationship with Dr. Clint Yudelman of Insight Mobile Veterinary Diagnostics.  Clint is a registered specialist in Small Animal Medicine and provides his expertise in the more challenging medical cases.

In addition to providing specialist internal medicine consults, Clint also performs diagnostic tests and services such as ultrasound, endoscopy, sample collection, tube placement, and ONCEPT melanoma vaccine administration, all from the comfort of The Furry Family Veterinary Clinic.

Should your furry family member have any complicated heart or lung-related illness, we are extremely fortunate to also have the services of Dr. Richard Woolley, Victoria’s only registered specialist veterinary cardiologist, available to consult with your pet at The Furry Family Veterinary Clinic.

Dr. Clint Yudelman @ Insight Mobile Veterinary Diagnostics

Dr. Richard Woolley @ Cardiorespiratory Pet Referrals


Internal medicine specialist Dr. Clint Yudelman is available to perform specialist-level imaging via ultrasound, endoscopy, and mobile CT when visiting The Furry Family Veterinary Clinic.

Dr. Clint Yudelman @ Insight Mobile Veterinary Diagnostics

We also utilise the services of the following non-specialist mobile GP sonographers;

Dr. Phil Davies @ US Together

Dr. Byron Von Hoff @ Melbourne Mobile Veterinary Sonography